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1 November - 1 December 2024: The Early Films of Peter Greenaway: Vertical Features Remake + A Walk Through H


A Walk Through H
Peter Greenaway, 1978, 41 min

“In A Walk Through H the camera focuses on a series of 92 maps (all drawn by Greenaway), while Cantlie’s punctilious narrator regales the audience with anecdotes about what he saw on his travels through the abbreviated land of the film’s title, how he obtained certain of his maps, his friendship with Tulse Luper, the soundness of Luper’s travel advice, and other increasingly surreal occurrences. Not for the last time in a Greenaway film, ornithology and all things avian play a considerable role in the lore and symbolism.” – Budd Wilkins

Vertical Features Remake
Peter Greenaway, 1979, 45 min

“Like The FallsVertical Features Remake both mirrors and mocks the documentary form. The film purports to represent four attempts, sponsored by the vaguely defined Institute of Restoration and Reclamation, to assemble raw footage taken by Tulse Luper that focuses on the significant vertical features – trees, poles, and more – on display in a variety of landscapes. A handful of imaginary film theorists turn up to opine about the best way to reconstruct the footage, and according to their own pet notions. The results are then shown, each iteration revealing (sometimes slight) differences in shot grouping, editing rhythm, and musical accompaniment. Greenaway’s made-up historical material can be moderately interesting, but if his target is the tedium induced by structuralist films, the joke’s on the viewer, as Vertical Features Remake flirts rather successfully with outright boredom.” – Budd Wilkins

Screening as part of The Early Films of Peter Greenaway programme






Vertical Features Remake + A Walk Through H Friday 01.11.24 8:30 pm Book
Vertical Features Remake + A Walk Through H Sunday 01.12.24 8:15 pm Book